ESS Event Timeline

By Kuruja
  • Passenger Pigeon Extinct

    Conservation movement grows. Concern for rhinos, tigers, etc.
  • Period: to

    Dustbowl in North America

    Recognition that agricultural practices may affect sold and climate.
  • Period: to

    Green Revolution

    resource use (especially fossil fuel use) and pollution increased. Human rises sharply.
  • Leopold writes "A Sand Country Almanac"

    Concept of "stewardship" in applied to nature.
  • UK's 10 National Parks are established

    Recognition of need to conserve natural areas.
  • Period: to

    Minamata Bay Disaster

    Emphasizes the ability of food chains to accumulate toxins into higher trophic levels , including into humans.
  • Period: to

    NGOs gain greater following

    Public awareness grows. 'WWFN', 'Greenpeace', 'Friends of the Earth' all formed.
  • rachel Carson publishes "Silent Spring"

    General acceptance of dangers of chemical coins affecting humans. The pesticide DDT is banned.
  • Clean Air Act

    US law designed to control air pollution on a national level. One of first US and most influential modern environmental laws, and one of most comprehensive air quality laws in world. Passed in december 1963. Amended most recently in 1990
  • First Earth Summit - UN Conference on the Human Environment

    Declaration of UN conference. Action Plan for the Human Environment. Environment Fund established. Formation of UN Environment Programme (UNEP). Earth Summits planned at 10 year intervals.
  • The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

    An international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible for ozone depletion. Effective 01-01-1989. Sets out a mandatory timetable for the phase out of ozone depleting substance which is regularly updated. Sets binding progressive phase out obligations for developed and developing countries for all the major ozone depleting substances, including CFCs, halons and less damaging transitional chemicals such as HCFCs.
  • The Kyoto Protocol

    an international treaty which extends the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that commits State Parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, based on the premise that (a) global warming exists and (b) human-made CO2 emissions have caused it. Effective 16 February 2005.
  • Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)

    intergovernmental initiative to create a common understanding on the state of acid deposition problems in East Asia, provide useful inputs for decision making at various levels with the aim of preventing or reducing the adverse impacts on the environment, and promote cooperation among countries. Thirteen countries in East Asia are participating in EANET at present.