DDT: Mass use
DDT was used during the war. Troops would spray it on people to stop the spreading of Typhus (spread through lice) and to stop the spreading of Malaria in was zones in the pacific. -
DDT: Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson published a book on DDT and how it is dangerous to the environment. The book was published to raise awareness of this issue. -
It was created in america and the National Environmental Policy made it a priority for federal agencies to consider the natural environment in any land use planning. -
DDT: Ban
A lange public outcry for change led the American government to ban DDT -
Agenda for Sustainable Development (agenda 2030)
2015 UN summit in NY redesigned the MDCs into the 17 SDGs, document published is called Agenda for sustainable development, target 2030 (document is sometimes referred to Agenda 2030)