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    Los Iberos

    -Los Iberos intercambió mucho con los Gregios.
    -La poesía de los Iberos fue encontrado en Francia, Italia, y
    -Lived in the Iberian Peninsula as early as the 6th century BC.
    -Their language became extinct in the 1st or 2nd century.
    -Produced sculptures in bronze and stone.
    -Had knowledge of metal-working and agricultural techniques.
  • Sep 7, 711

    Los Visigados

    Greeks identified them as barbarians and were a Germanic tribe.
    Llegó en españa en cuatrocientos y dieciséis.
    No salió esculturas o pinturas en españa.
    Left little art in spain, only some silver and gold workings.
    Did not build any elaborate buildings or churches, only stone rural churches.
    Very gothic, fled to the austrian mountains after the moors defeated them in 711.
  • Sep 7, 1231

    La Inquisicion

    Catholic churches persecuted/tortured anyone who did not follow the beliefs of the church.
    Especially persecuted anyone who was baptized by the church and didn’t follow their beliefs.
    Ocurrió entre los doce y diecinueve siglos.
    Rey Ferdinand y Isabelle empezaron la inquisición.
    Officially began in 1231 by Pope Gregory IX.
    Pope Innocent IV allowed torture to be used to abstract a confession in 1252.
  • Sep 7, 1479

    La Reconquista

    Finished in 1492 when King Ferdinand IV and Isabelle retook Granada from the Moors
    Began in 1479 when they married and united their kingdoms
    Driven by a desire for land, profit, and relationships
    Wanted spices, silks, jewels, gold, and other luxuries from asian cultures
    Empezó para razones de religión.
    Las cruzadas fue por India, China, and y los Indias Orientales.
  • Sep 7, 1492

    Los Moros

    They were Muslim and invaded Spain in 711
    Occupied Spain until 1492.
    Hazo la Mezquita de Córdoba.
    Presentó papel a Europa.
    Introduced many new scientific techniques including Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geography, and Philosophy.
    Brought the compass from China to Europe.
  • Sep 7, 1518

    El Imperio Espanol

    El imperio español estiró de continente a continente y fue en los Americas y Europa.
    Columbus navegó en un mil cuatrocientos noventa y dos y resolvió Hispaniola.
    Vasco de Gama reached India in 1498
    By 1515 Cuba and many of the central american islands are controlled by the spanish
    Called the Empire on which the sun never sets
    Become amiable with the Aztec and sent gold back to the king and queen in 1518
  • La Armada

    Navegó de españa en Julio de mil quinientos ochenta y ocho.
    Tuvo los cánones, pistolas, espadas, y muchos otro armas.
    Tried to overthrow protestant England which was ruled by Queen Elizabeth I
    Attacked because the Protestants of England were helping Spanish Catholics that wanted to be protestants
    Fleet of 130 ships sailed on July 19th 1588
    The english defeated them due to their better naval power
  • La Guerra Civil

    Ocurrió entre mil novecientos treinta y seis y nueve.
    Lideró por Francisco Franco.
    Fought between the Nationalist and Republican sides of the nation.
    Other leaders included Francisco Largo Caballero, Juan Negrin, and Manuel Azana.
    Germany and Italy aided the Nationalist side.
    The Soviet Union aided the Republican side.
  • Modern Spain

    Los idiomas mejor fue español, catalán, gallego, y euskera
    El país es dividido en diecisiete regiones.
    Some regions have their own language and own rights.
    The Prime Minister is Mariano Rajoy
    The population is about 46.4 million people
    The head of state is King Juan Carlos I
  • Los Romanos

    Los Romanos fue en españa para más seiscientos años.
    Hizo el acueducto de Segovia.
    Introduced the Rome based (romantic) languages.
    Introduced a legal system and a strong architectural and engineering skills.
    Introduced olive oil, wheat, and wine production.
    Made some of the best roads in spain.