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    Los visigodos

    los visigodos eran tribus romadas de los alemanos. Aparte de la imperio romano, los visigodods derrotados a Romanos a la batalla de Adrianople. With a history of migration is took many years for the visigoths to settle down. To this day, there are many surviving churches that were built by the visigoths. Along with the churches the treasure of Guarrazsa still remains. Guarrazar is a well known jeweled crown. Another famous feature of the visigoths is the visigothic code.
  • Sep 6, 606

    Los Iberos

    Los iberos somos griegos y romanos. ellos vivaron en las comunidades aisladas en las tribus. They traded precious metals such as tin and copper. Along with trading metals, they work hard in metal working. Being handy with their hands, they use bronze and agricultural techniques. They were greatly influenced by other Mediterranean cultures with whom the often traded with.
  • Sep 9, 711

    la reconquista

    La reconquista comenzo en el ano 711 a la caida de granada. era un plan para recuperar el territorio. It ended prior to the discovery of the new world by Christopher Colombus in 1492. It is marked by the beginning of the Battle of Covadonga. christian related relgions wanted to regain moorish territory. it was a large christian movement. Not only was it a crusade but it was a war between kingdoms as well.
  • Sep 9, 711

    los moros

    Los moros apraecio durante la edad media en 711. se originaron de africa. They are known for some of the most famous architecutural structures of the world. One of their famous building styles are arches. They were heavy believers in religion. Being nomadic people, they did not settle in specific locations for long periods of time.
  • Sep 9, 753

    Los Romanos

    Romulus and Remus fundaron el imperio romano. lo era un imperio masivo y tenia un ejercito grande. Their army is very historic and used to teach leadership tactics. It also teaches large army points. Even to this day their architecture remains studied. Other known aspects of the romans were their styles of art, fashion, and entertainment.
  • Sep 9, 1478

    la inquisicion

    fue establecido en 1478 por monarcas catolicos. ferdinand ll de aragon y isabella l de castille fallo durante la inquisicion.Their intentions were to maintain a catholic orthodoxy. this ordered rulings over a variety of spanish countries. isabella l worked to better things. thousands of people were charged with crimes.
  • Sep 9, 1500

    el imperio espanol

    Fue uno de los mas fuertes que exsiste. se orgino durante la edad de la exploracion despues viajes de Christopher Colombus. Their architecture is a legacy. They built forts, churches, schools, and hospitals. Not only did they have strong suits in structures, but they were open to being very cultural.It was one of the first empires to reach a high peak econmically and politically.
  • la armada

    La armada era una flota espanola de 130 los barcos. El barco estaba bajo la orden de Duke de Medina. The ships purpose was to carry an army from Flanders to invade England. Based on water, the spanish armada was highly prized on their movement in the water. When going to invade England, difficulties with weather,diease, and food conditions were faced. Along the way, the army built structures such as temporary stone buildings for the army to rest on land.
  • la guerra civil

    La guerra civil luchan de 1936-1939 en Espana. la salio espana dividida en el ejercito y con la politica. The spanish civil was left many countries distraught due to pulling so many allies or enemies into it. Nationalists and republicans fought for power and control over their countries.Many non-spanish citizens became involved to be involved in this movement. One of the well known tactics used is known as guerilla warfare.Guerilla warfare is attacks in small groups with less traditional styles.
  • espana moderna

    comunidades autonomous componen mapa de espana. Constitucion de Espana fue firmada en 1978. The new constiution write up was important to rebuild Spain's power and control. The king was trying to rebuild the constitutional monarchy and had to get rid of people in high power. It brought about some of the first general elections. Violence was very common when in the process for restoration of power.