Period: Jan 26, 1200 to
Jan 26, 1215
Magna Carte
The king John wanted Magna Carta. he got confronted by 40 rebellious people and he gave them stuff to start a cival word. but later on the pope nullfied the agreement and england went to war. -
Petition of Right
it is a list of rights that the king isnt able to mess with. it also has special liberties. He tried to start a war also.. -
Englsih Bill of rights
English Bill of Rights- English Bill of Rights (1689) The English Bill of Rights is an English precursor of the Constitution. has the main rights we have as americans. -
Albany Plan of Union
Ablany Plan of the Union was a plan to unite the 13 Colonies and to form a government. they each sent a person to represent them -
Boston Massacre
It was the killing of five colonist by british ragulars. it started when royal troops first appeared. -
Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party- The Sons of Liberty and the Boston Tea Party. In 1771, a group of colonists protest thirteen years of increasing British oppression, by attacking merchant ships in Boston Harbor. -
First Continental Congress
The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies to meet. -
Second continental Congress
it was a convention of people from all the colonies that started meeting the the summer. -
Declaration of Independence
Independence day when the dociment was signed. also it was the day they declared indendence from the british -
Articles of confederation
a Document signesd by the 13 original colonies. -
Shay's Rebellion
names of protest by farmers . the farmers didnt like the tax rate. -
Virginia Plan
-a proposal by the delegates for a bicameral legislatvve branch. -
Philadelphia Convention
55 people came together to make a better document. most of those people were lawers. -
New Jersey Plan
was a proposal for the structure of the U.S. goernment