Ga   wok5   eshonai by alex allen


By ldemers
  • 1162


    Eshonai was an explorer who often travelled the wilderness of Natanatan. She started out exploring alone, creating maps and expanding the listeners' understanding of the world, then began leading expeditions during her teenage years, after her adventures sparked interest amongst her people. Her exploration led to the listeners' first contact with humans in 1165, when she encountered Gavilar's expedition to the south of the Shattered Plains
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    Assassination of King Gavilar

    Assassination of King Gavilar
    On the day of his assassination, Gavilar spoke to Eshonai privately. She was the first listener to learn that Gavilar wanted to bring back the listeners' old gods. He gave her a dark gemstone and told her to give it to The Five. Taking the gemstone, Eshonai went to the Five and told them of Gavilar's plans, and the group decided to assassinate the Alethi king in order to keep the listeners free of their gods and to affirm the decision made by their ancestors centuries ago
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    War in the Shattered Plains

    War in the Shattered Plains
    Eshonai became a member of the Council of Five and was made the general of the listener army. After the death of the king, the listeners relocated to Narak in the hopes that a war of attrition would deter the Alethi from pursuing longterm action. Unfortunately, the presence of chasmfiends on the Plains allowed the war to continue for many years, with the Alethi and listener forces clashing over the beast's gemhearts. Eshonai would sometimes join her troops in the skirmishes over these gems.
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    Battle of Narak

    In the Battle of Narak, she led the listener army, who had all taken Stormform, to battle, with the intent to destroy the Alethi forces.She battles Adolin who ultimately pushes her into a chasm.
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    The Battle of the Tower

    During the battle, Eshonai dueled Dalinar Kholin as the army made its retreat. She defeated him in combat, and recognized him as the Alethi Shardbearer she had been searching for to discuss peace, but was stabbed in the leg by Kaladin, who made his escape with Dalinar before she had a chance to speak with him. As the army made its retreat from the Tower, she saluted Dalinar as a gesture of respect. She allowed the Alethi to escape the battle without attacking them once they cleared the Tower.
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    Eshonai was the first to adopt Stormform after it was discovered by her sister Venli. The new form caused Eshonai to become more warlike and destructive, leading her to switch from seeking peace with the Alethi, to desiring their extermination. Her new aggressive personality made her more willing to kill disobedient listeners, including her comrades, friends, and family. Any who refused to obey her orders were rounded up by Eshonai, whose intent was to have them all killed.