escalation in vietnam timeline

  • ho chi minh fights the french

    ho chi minh fights the french
    ho chi minh fights and defeats the french at dien bien phu ending the 7 1/2 years of indochina war,we backed the the french,french soldiers surrender because of the overwhelming artillery fire
  • jfk's assassination

    jfk's assassination
    before jfk was killed he was slowly moving troops out of vietnam and after he was killed johnson moved troops back in.jfk would've come to a peaceful solution.
  • gulf of tonkin

    gulf of tonkin
    the incident was caused by the destroyer uss maddox was up north and was doing coastal raids the north vietnamese torpedo boats attacked then the seconded attacked was a glitches in radar
  • operation rolling thunder

    operation rolling thunder
    one of the largest bombing campaign in the north vietnam area.the bombing was supposed to demoralized the north and end the war.all the targets would be replaced in one day
  • battle of la drang

    battle of  la drang
    The Battle of la Drang is considered to be the first major engagement between the U.S. Army and the Vietnam’s People Army (PAVN). It was a two-part battle which took place at the la Drang Valley, South Vietnam. Both sides suffered major casualties with both claiming victory of their own
  • battle of Huế

    battle of Huế
    The Battle of Huế was one of the bloodiest and longest battles fought during the Vietnam War. During the battle, the forces of the U.S. Army, ARVN, and the U.S. Marine Corps fought and defeated the PAVN and the Viet Cong. Hue was an important city for the U.S. Army and its allies because Highway 1 which passed through the city was an important supply line. The city was also a base for U.S. Navy supply boat.
  • tet offensive

    tet offensive
    he Tet Offensive was a coordinated series of North Vietnamese attacks on more than 100 cities and outposts in South Vietnam. The offensive was an attempt to foment rebellion among the South Vietnamese population.Though U.S. and South Vietnamese forces managed to hold off the attacks
  • hamburger hill

    hamburger hill
    hamburger hill known as hill 937 was a 10 day battle between the vietcong and the us forces. A lot of soldiers nicknamed it hamburger hill because of men being"grounded up" by gunfire and explosions.
  • operation linebacker 1&2

    operation linebacker 1&2
    The first operation was held to slow transportation of material for the Easter Offensive while the second operation was to major target complexes in Hanoi area. The attacks led to severe damage to the North Vietnam infrastructure. Millions of gallons of petroleum products were also destroyed in the process.
  • Fall of saigon

    Fall of saigon
    Communist North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces captured the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon, forcing South Vietnam to surrender and bringing about an end to the Vietnam War.