Ernst Mach was born February 18, 1838, in Chirlitz-Turas, Moravia, Austrian Empire. Brittanica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica.”Ernst Mach.” Encyclopaedia Britannica,
Encyclopaedia Britannica,Inc., 13 APR. 2018
www.Britannica.com/Biography/Ernst-Mach -
Mach's Bands
Ernst Mach discovered a physiological phenomenon. The human eye to see bright or dark bands between sharply different iluminations. Pojman, Paul, "Ernst Mach", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2011/entries/ernst-mach/. -
Mach number
In 1887 Ernst Mach established the principles of supersonics and the Mach number, the ratio of the velocity of an object to the velocity of sound. While at Charles University in Prague, Czech Praha, Czech Republic. The term Mach speed is used in aviation today. Hall,Nancy. “Mach Number.” Glen Research Center/NASA. 28 MAR. 2018
www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/Mach.html -
Mach's principle
Ernst Mach proposed, inertia results from a relationship of that object with all the rest of the matter in the universe. Einstein later used this in his theory of general relativity.
https://youtu.be/cPEwkMHRjZU -
Ernst Mach died February 19, 1916, in Haar, Germany. Brittanica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica.”Ernst Mach.” Encyclopaedia Britannica,
Encyclopaedia Britannica,Inc., 13 APR. 2018