
Ernst Mach

  • Birth

    Born February 18 1838
  • 1860 Machs Bands

    1860 Machs Bands
    IN 1860 Mach discovered physiological phenomenon that is now called Mach's bands. which is the humans tend to see bright or dark bands near the boundaries between different light. This has helped create in radiology what we have today with radiographs. Even in videogames it is usually how games help the players eyes adjust to a screen.
  • 1867 Wave Machine

    1867 Wave Machine
    Patterns of the pendulum Wave Machine were first seen. This was a breakthrough discovery as it shadowgraphed a shockwave. This latter help understand sound waves and how we could measure sound as a whole. Which lead in to his belief science had to be a measurable. To help understand his belief I have attached a youtube link.
  • 1870 philosophical contributions

    1870 philosophical contributions
    Mach's contributions saw the world as metaphysical. that science has to be measured and through operational means. Mach's work published in contributions to analysis of sensations introduced space forms and time forms.
  • 1887 Mach as a number

    1887 Mach as a number
    Mach established the rules of supersonics and the Mach number. This was used to develop the principle "that inertia results from a relationship of that object with rest of the matter in the universe"-Erik Gregersen.
  • Death

    Died February 19 1916 Haar Germany