
Ernst Mach

  • Birth

    Ernst Mach was born in Moravia on Feb 18, 1838.
  • Mach Bands

    Mach Bands
    In 1865 Mach published "On the effect of the spatial distribution of the light stimulus on the retina", which is the first article in a series that is now known as Mach Bands.
    Mach thought that the processing of optical illusions do not all occur in the brain. He thought that it was an error in the sense itself.
    If you look at the picture provided the thin dark bands on the outer edges of the gradient and the thin light bands on the inner edges of the gradient are optical illusions.
  • Speed of Sound

    Speed of Sound
    Mach's most famous association is that of the speed of sound. Mach 1 is the speed of sound in a given medium. The speed varies with the density of the medium it travels through which means his numbers are relational not absolute. With developments in projectile technology and the types of wounds associated with them lead Mach to investigate. By 1885 he worked out the details of supersonic motion while also developing high-speed photographic techniques.
  • Contribution to Gestalt Theory (Analysis of Sensations)

    The seminal article of Gestalt Theory begins with a review of Machs' ideas found in his 1886 Analysis of Sensations. Mach thinks that sensations are not simply raw experiences but the interaction of experience with a pre-formed cognitive structure. Mach's analogy for this is that you would recognize a melody even if it was sung in low, or high tones. Even if notes were missing. He says it is formed by the experience of multiple examples of the melody but is an idealization of that experience.
  • Monism

    Monism is a theory or doctrine that denies the existence of a distinction or duality in some sphere, such as that between matter and mind, or God and the world. Mach was a frequent contributor to one of the oldest philosophy journals called "The Monist". In 1906 Monistenbund, a monistic society formed and tried to recruit everyone who believed in one reality. Haeckel and Ostwald were active members and tried without success to bring in Mach as president.
  • Death

    Ernst Mach suffered a stroke in 1898 which eventually led to his death on February 19th, 1916.