Ernst mach

Ernst Mach

  • Ernst Mach - Birth

    Ernst Mach - Birth
    Ernst Mach was born in Waldfried Joseph Wenzel in Moravia on 18 February 1838. For a brief overview, see the video below:
  • Period: to

    Study of Physics

    Ernst Mach studied Physics at the University of Vienna from 1855 to 1861.
  • Ernst Mach - First Scientific contribution

    Ernst Mach - First Scientific contribution
    In 1860, Ernst Mach devised an apparatus to prove the Doppler effect for sound. This was a simple six-foot tube with a whistle that rotated on a vertical plane. No changes could be heard when the observer stood in the plane of the axis, but fluctuations in the pitch could be heard when the observer stood in the plane of rotation.
  • Ernst Mach - Mach Bands

    Ernst Mach - Mach Bands
    In 1865, Ernst Mach published “On the effect of the spatial distribution of the light stimulus on the retina,” the first series of articles known today as Mach Bands. Mach discovered the lateral inhibition in our sense organs, the senses that pre-process information we take in through our eyes before sending it to our brain.
    Better understanding of Mach Bands please view Video below:
  • Ernst Mach - Supersonic Motion

    Ernst Mach - Supersonic Motion
    In the late 1860s, gun and artillery technology began producing projectiles that travel faster than the speed of sound vibrations. By 1855, Ernst Mach worked out the details of supersonic motion and developed high-speed photographic techniques. Mach's name was then associated with the speed of the given sound medium.
  • Ernst Mach - Analysis of Sensations

    Ernst Mach - Analysis of Sensations
    In 1886, Ernst Mach wrote an Analysis of Sensations contributing to the Gestalt Theory. He perceived that sensations are not raw experiences but a combination of experiences with a pre-formed cognitive structure. An example of this is through a known melody. If we are to produce a known song, even with some incorrect notes and in a different pitch, we can still recognize it. This was the basic process for all perceptions and the root of evolutionary processes.
  • Ernst Mach - Death

    Ernst Mach - Death
    Ernst Mach died on 19 February 1916 in Munich Germany at the age of seventy-eight.