
Charles Darwin 1809-1882

By ShivaRa
  • Key observations at the Galápagos Islands allow Charles Darwin to propose his view on the mechanism of adaptation.

    Through the observations of the finch population on the Galápagos Islands, Darwin noted key differences between the finches that allowed them to be better suited for success in their environment.
  • "On the Origin of Species" published

    In 1859, Charles Darwin published a book regarding the theory of evolution by natural selection; also referred to as survival of the fittest. The book brought upon the greatest revolution to the way of scientific thinking. Provided a mechanical explanation of how life came to be. Discussed the process of evolution through natural selection. Natural selection is selecting the beneficial features to enhance the survival of a species. The beneficial traits are passed through generations.
  • Cessation of Teleological Thinking

    Darwin's theory of evolution was able to provide a mechanical explanation of the creation of life by the operation of evolution. Teleological thinking states that life is able to thrive due to the existence of God through intelligent design. Darwin's theory may have been seen as an end to the teleological argument but instead, it brought upon revision to teleology.
  • "The Descent of Man" published by Charles Darwin

    The book brought about many philosophical challenges in regards to how natural selection applies to humans. Humans are seen as having superior mental and moral capabilities. Which led to the question of how, empirically, do humans fit into the organic hierarchy. Work Cited
    Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. John Murray, 1871. Print.