Trust vs. Mistrust
Jane (1 years old) has a wonderful relationship with both parents consistently being there with her. Because of this, she develops hope and trust in her parents and others.
This displays Erikson's first stage of Trust vs. Mistrust in his psychosocial stages.This stage lasts from birth to about 1 1/2. It is the stage where a child is either given consistent care, leading to trust, or inconsistent care, leading to mistrust. -
Initiative vs. Guilt
Brandon (4 years old) is outside with 3 other children. He comes up with a game that he wanted to play, but is instantly reject by the children as they feel it is dumb. After this, Brandon withdraws himself from participation and feels like a bore.
This represents Erikson's Initiative vs. Guilt. This stage is from 3 to 5 and is when a child either takes initiative that is welcome, resulting in positivity, or takes initiative that is rejected, and begins to feel guilt. -
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Jake (45 years old) works as a cast member at Mcdonald's. He has worked there for 4 years and not moved up in the ranks. He lives with his mother and does not have a wife or anyone to call his own little family. He begins to feel lifeless and unproductive.
This represents Erikson's generativity vs stagnation stage. This is from 40- 65 years old and is generally when people begin settling down in life family wise and continue to grow in their work life.