Erikson Timeline

  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    Brian works hard on all of his homework for his fifth grade class. His hard work pays off and he receives an A in the class. This made Brian view himself as a hard working competent person. In Erikson's 4th stage of development, industry vs. inferiority the crisis is between belief in one's own abilities (industry) and doubt in one's ability to succeed (Inferiority).
  • Identity vs. Confusion

    Brian tries out many different clubs and sports during his time in high school. He talks to many different people with many interest. He learns about his passion for the environment and many outdoor activities by doing so. In Erikson's fifth stage, identity vs. confusion, the crisis is between one's sense of self identity/ confidence in who they are (identity) and confusion about who they are and what their role is (confusion).
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    at the age of 29 Brian ask his girlfriend of 6 years to marry him. They have known each other for a long time and have shared their most vulnerable selves together. In Erikson's 6th stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation, the crisis is between being able to develop meaningful and fulfilling relationships with individuals (intimacy) and being unwilling to show intimacy and vulnerability leading to rather meaningless relationships (isolation).