Who Ruth Is After High School: Identity versus Identity Confusion
Ruth had just graduated high school, and she had several decisions to make. She chose to move out of her parents house and go to college to become a teacher. In Erikson's fifth stage, Identity verusus identity confusion, is the crisis of devoloping an awareness of who one is as an individual, what their capacities are, and what they are supposed to do/be in the future. -
Ruth decides to Marry: Imtimacy vesus Isolation
Ruth decided to share her life with someone special. In 1940, Ruth and Grant got married. They decided they wanted to share the rest of their lives together, blend their identitites, and commmit to each other long term. In Erikson's sixth stage, Intimacy versus Isolation, the crisis is between commiting yourself to someone in a relationship (intimacy) and staying alone- not letting someone in to really get to know you're true being. -
Raising their Kids: Generativity versus Stagnation
Ruth and Grant are raising their kids. They are teaching them right from wrong, they are teaching them morals, and they are teaching them how to grow up to be sucessful adults. In Erikson's seventh stage, Generativity versus Stagnation, the crisis is between focusing on the needs and well being of the next generation (generativity) and only focusing on the needs of ones self (stagnation). -
The last days of Ruth: Ego Integrity versus Despair
In Ruth's last days she looks back on her life and feels happiness and blessing. Sadly, she passed away with her husband and her children by her side. In Erikion's eighth stage, Ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is between looking back at your life and accepting it (ego integrity) and looking back on your life and feeling regret and resentment (depair).