Erikson Timeline

  • Period: to

    Kira's Erikson Stages Timeline

  • Kira's Difficult Toddler Days

    Kira's Difficult Toddler Days
    Kira (Age 2) is often not allowed by her parent to make decisions. When choices are made, they are shamed and criticized harshly. In Erikson's second stage Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt (ages 18months to three), toddlers learn autonomy and confidence in decisions. The crisis occurs when the caregiver does not create a good environment to learn these skills. When too much is demanded of the child, they may become doubtful of their ability and choices. Children who pass this stage become self-reliant.
  • Kira's Friend's Birthday Sleepover

    Kira's Friend's Birthday Sleepover
    Kira (13) wants to go to her best friend's party but is not allowed by her mother in order to go to church. This is often the case for Kira, but this time she begs her mother to let her go. In Erikson's fifth stage of Ego, Identity vs Role Confusion (ages 12-18), adolescents explore their identity and roles. Those who are able to explore their values and goals are able to form a sense of self, while those who do not become uncertain about their role in society and direction in life.
  • Kira's Break Up and New Relationship

    Kira's Break Up and New Relationship
    Kira (23) in therapy had realized her relationship was limiting and uncomfortable. Months later, after working on herself, she is in a new, healthy relationship despite previous difficulties in intimacy and self-worth. In Erikson's 6th Stage, Intimacy vs Isolation (ages 19-40) people form meaningful connections and intimacy, or they become lonely and isolated. Isolation is often due to unresolved previous stages, while Intimacy is achieved with mutual dependency and willingness to be vulnerable.