Erikson Timeline

By dselimi
  • Baby Brother - 2014

    Baby Brother - 2014
    Trust vs Mistrust
    When my baby brother was 1 years old, we would take him to a babysitter. He wasn't getting the same necessities from his babysitter that my mom gave him & began to not trust her. He would cry when we dropped him off & didn't like being there. In this stage, children need to learn to trust adults. This takes place when adults provide them when the needed necessities like being fed. When this does not happen, kids can develop anxiety, fear, and mistrust
  • Baby Brother - 2016

    Baby Brother - 2016
    Autonomy vs Shame
    When my brother was 3, we were going to a wedding and he wanted to wear an outfit that wasn't for the occasion. In this stage, toddlers start to realize that they too can make decisions. They begin to have their own preferences. When or if they are denied what they want, this could potentially lead to self esteem issues.
  • Baby Brother - 2020

    Baby Brother - 2020
    industry vs inferiority
    My brother who is now 6 is starting to compare himself to his friends at school. He recently has been trying to learn how to play basketball because he saw that his friend was playing on a kid team. In this stage, kids begin to compare themselves to their friends and they start to brag to each-other and they may not get along.