Erikson Timeline

  • Baby Savannah learns: Trust versus Mistrust

    Baby Savannah learns: Trust versus Mistrust
    Savannah was brought into the world with love and affection from all sides. In Erikson's first stage of life, trust, versus mistrust, if the infant is loved within a good environment, that wholesome atmosphere will bring trust and insurances throughout their lives.
  • Savannah reaches adulthood: Identity versus Identity Confusion.

    Savannah reaches adulthood: Identity versus Identity Confusion.
    At age 23 Savannah achieved her first milestone of adulthood by becoming a homeowner.
    In Erikson's fifth stage, identity versus identity confusion with societal pressures and the expectations of becoming an adult, adolescents must develop an awareness of who they are. Failure to achieve this may bring confusion towards their own identity.
  • Savannah gets hitched: Intimacy versus Isolation

    Savannah gets hitched: Intimacy versus Isolation
    Savannah marries the man of her dreams after being apart for what seemed like an eternity. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, combining two lives as one to commit to a lifelong relationship together. Those who don't achieve an intimate relationship may find themselves in isolation and in a state of vulnerability.