Erikson Timeline

  • Joins basketball team

    Joins basketball team
    Tyler (age 15) decides to join the basketball team because he feels out of place and wants to see if he fits in there. This represents Erikson's fifth stage, identity versus confusion, where one questions who they are, and where they belong, or remains confused about those answers.
  • Tyler gets married

    Tyler gets married
    Tyler (age 23) gets married to his love Tara because he wants to live the rest of his life with her by his side. This represents Erikson's sixth stage, where one decides whether or not to live life in close relationship with people or to remain secluded and not let anyone in to close intimate relationships.
  • Tyler becomes basketball coach for his son's team

    Tyler becomes basketball coach for his son's team
    Tyler (age 40), decides to begin coaching youth basketball for his son's team outside of his normal job because he wants to impact and influence young men's lives who will grow up in this world. This shows Erikson's seventh stage, generativity vs stagnation, where one become selfish and without purpose, or wants to give back to others or the next generation outside of himself and his partner.