Erikson Timeline

  • Industry VS. Inferiority

    Industry VS. Inferiority
    Emely's (9) class began to learn how to divide. She was eager to learn but didn't understand the topic and saw other students succeeding. Erikson's fourth stage, industry VS. inferiority.
    In this stage, children (~5-12) begin attending school and learning academic material. If a child is not as successful in mastering material, they can begin to feel like a failure.
  • Identity VS. Role Confusion

    Identity VS. Role Confusion
    Emely (17) realizes she never really attracted to boys and develops romantic feelings for a girl. Erikson's fifth stage, Identity VS. Role Confusion.
    Teenagers in this stage begin to identity aspects and ideas of who they are and form opinions on matters.
  • Intimacy VS. Isolation

    Intimacy VS. Isolation
    Emely (23) and her girlfriend from high school buy a house together. Erikson's sixth stage, Intimacy VS. Isolation.
    In this stage, adults decide whether to foster emotional and social relationships or to be alone.