Erikson Timeline

  • 2000 BCE

    Stage 1: Oral-Sensory

    This is the time between when a child comes into this world and when they hit one years old. The most important part of this stage is feeding. The child will build healthy trust if made to feel save and familiar with the environment around them. The child will build mistrust if they do not have a secure attachment with their mother or caregiver thus becoming more unstable and aggressive.
  • Stage 2: Muscular-Anal

    This is the time between when a child is a toddler to until the child reaches 1 to 2 years old. According to Erikson, self control and self confidence begin to develop at this stage. The child must be given more freedom to feed themselves etc. Children who are not given this reassurance doubt themselves in the future.
  • Stage 3: Locomotor

    This is the time between childhood up to when the child is 2 to 6 years old. The most important event at this stage is independence. At this stage the child must learn without guilt whats wrong and whats right. If they are not allowed to to anything they will develop guilt about everything they do