Erikson time line

  • Trust VS. Mistrust

    A baby has terrible allergies. No one knows whats wrong with him. The baby always cries out at night because its tummy hurts from the milk. The Mother always comes, and soon figures out that they need to switch to goats milk for the babies allergies. The baby is content and trusts his mother completely.
  • Autonomy VS. Shame and Doubt

    Mom wants her child to create a sense of autonomy. She starts giving the baby choices about what he wants to do. She says you can either play with your friends, or play at home by your self. The toddler gets to decide what they feel comfortable with doing. The mother decides to only use this as a type of punishment in certain situations. The toddler cant go over to a friends house if he chooses to be disrespectful after being talked to about it.
  • Initiative VS. Guilt

    The child is in pre school. He really wants to plan his own game on the play ground. So he starts a game of tag with all of his friends. They all enjoy it very much. This causes the boy to feel initiative about starting a fun game. He feels good about it. This could have been different if the kids didn't like this boy, and instead started they're own game and excluded him from the game. The boy feels guild because he didn't succeed and was treated harshly.