First Stage
A. November 28, 1975
B. Sabrina (age 2) became too much of a financial burden to her parents, so they decided to give her to an orphanage to be adopted out.
C. In Erikson's first stage, basic trust vs mistrust, infants rely upon others to care for and love them. If that love is there they develop a basic trust in their world, if there is a lack of love infants develop a mistrust for caregivers and people in their social world. -
Eighth Stage
A. September 19, 1998
B. Judy (age 78) lying on her hospital bed surrounded by all her family and friends smiles. She is reflecting upon her life of being a house wife for 55 years taking care of her family. Judy feels satisfaction with an overall accomplishment of her life.
C. Erikson's eighth stage of, integrity vs despair, aging adults begin to deal with the problem of their mortality. Adults either feel a sense of fulfillment or regret as they reach the end of the life. -
Fourth Stage
A. April 14, 2005
B. Jacob (age 11) brought home his report card to show his parents that he had more 4's then 3's this quarter. His parents praised him and told him how proud they were of him. This made Jacob feel happy with himself.
C. Erikson's fourth stage of, industry vs inferiority, children move more in to the world to start learning the skills needed in their culture, if a child is encouraged the child will thrive if discouraged the child my feel inferior.