Erikson's Timeline

  • Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority

    January of 2014 I started a new school after living in Europe for two years. The school system was very different and required a different level of education. As well as had different kids that I was becoming friends with, they didn't understand the military lifestyle.
    The crisis between believing in ones skills or doubting ones abilities.
  • Stage 5: Identity vs. Confusion

    In June of 2016, I finally figured out who I was. I dyed my hair blue on the tips and started wanting ear piercings. I found that I would love both of these things.
    This crisis is finding who you are as a person or being in a state of unsureness for who you are.
  • Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    On June 29, 2020, I took the leap of being in my first romantic relationship. It become the best thing for me.
    In this crisis you either form strong intimate relationship with people or you become isolated and lonely, never being about to form those relationships.