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Erikson's psychosocial development

  • Young Adulthood

    Young Adulthood
    On May 6, 2003, Ashley at the age of 26, decided to get married to her boyfriend of 5 years Gregg. They had been dating since college and decided to start and build a family together.
    In Erikson's 6th stage the crisis is Intimacy vs. Isolation. To choose whether to share your self with others and have long term commitments leading to comfortable relationships and happiness and love. Or to keep isolated which could lead to loneliness, unhappiness and depression.
  • Middle Adulthood

    Middle Adulthood
    On February 27, 2017 on Ashley's 40th birthday, after working as a veterinarian for 10 years, she was finally able to open up her own animal shelter in her hometown.
    Erikson's 7th stage the crisis Generativity vs Stagnation. Adults feel like they give back to society in different ways by for example raising their children or being productive at work. They begin to develop a sense of care for others. If they fail to achieve this they can feel stagnant or unproductive.
  • Maturity

    At the age of 65, Ashley finally decided to retire from being a vet and enjoy retirement with Gregg. She felt happy and accomplished leaving her job and the shelter after helping so many animals in need.
    The 8th stage crisis Integrity vs. Despair. Contemplating on your life if it has been productive or not. Some may feel guilt about their past or regrets. When we do feel satisfied and accomplished we gain wisdom.