Erikson (psychosocial theory) timeline

Erikson (Psychosocial Theory) Timeline

By Raesak
  • Early Childhood / Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

    When getting dressed in the morning P went to his dresser and picked out his own outfit. With encouragement, he was able to fully dress himself without any assistance. Children that are successful in this stage go on to develop confidence and independence, while children that are criticized or not given opportunities to control their own life can lack self-esteem and doubt their own abilities.
  • Preschool / Initiative vs Guilt

    At daycare P invented his own game involving all of the other children, giving them all roles in his "mud kitchen restaurant" Children that are allowed to explore their world and social situations through play often develop a much greater sense of initiative, giving them more confidence in their ability to lead and make decisions. If social play is discouraged children can learn to be timid and lack creativity.
  • School Age / Industry vs Inferiority

    P received a musical instrument for his birthday. He was very excited and wanted to demonstrate to everyone how good he was at playing it. Children that are encouraged and supported in their interests can become more confident and feel like they are doing well. If this is not encouraged, children can start to feel inferior and may not reach their potential.