Erikson(Psychosocial Theory)

  • Micheal married the love of his life, Jane.

    Micheal married the love of his life, Jane.
    They decided to get married to share their lives and live together to raise a family. In Erikson's fifth stage, intimacy vs. isolation. People begin to question whether they are capable of finding love, and also form long-term relationships. The crisis occurs between finding and not finding intimacy, which develops a feeling of isolation and loneliness. At this stage, people begin to understand who they are Friendship and partnership in very instrumental to individual development at this stage.
  • He opened an accounting firm to continue practicing his accounting profession and provide employment opportunities and mentorship to the younger generation interested in accounting.

    He opened an accounting firm to continue practicing his accounting profession and provide employment opportunities and mentorship to the younger generation interested in accounting.
    This event is at stage 7, generativity vs. stagnation, and it commences at 40 years to retire.The crisis here is having to deal with generativity vs. stagnation. People begin to establish their careers at this stage, or their careers have already been established. They begin to settle down in their families and make their families the center of their lives. They find ways of contributing positively to society to lead the next generation into a promising future.
  • Micheal's 3 kids and his 4 grandchildren came to celebrate Christmas with him After the celebration, Michael sat at the terrace and reflected on his life for the last 65 years.

    Micheal's 3 kids and his 4 grandchildren came to celebrate Christmas with him After the celebration, Michael sat at the terrace and reflected on his life for the last 65 years.
    Michael, who has been married to his wife for 65 years and an accountant for the last 35, celebrated his 90th birthday at their home in New York. After the celebration, Michael sat at the terrace and reflected on his life. This event aligns with stage 8 of Erikson's development theory of ego-integrity vs. despair. (At this stage, a person slows down his productivity activities and reflects on what he had done and how he lived).