
  • Industry v. Inferiority

    Industry v. Inferiority
    Hallie (age 10) enters her school's science fair. Her project wins second place, delighting her family. In Erikson's fourth stage of development, industry versus inferiority, the crisis is developing confidence in one's development of skills (industry) or experiencing feelings of failure if unable to do what is required of them (inferiority).
  • Identity v. Role Confusion

    Identity v. Role Confusion
    Hallie (age 17) writes music and participates in clubs and activities for young musicians. She feels secure in the culture of In Erikson's fifth stage of development, identity versus role confusion, the crisis is developing a strong sense of self (identity) or being unsure of oneself (role confusion).
  • Intimacy v. Isolation

    Intimacy v. Isolation
    Hallie (age 26) proposes to her partner because they both want to build a life together. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is entering close, committed relationships (intimacy) or avoiding said relationships (isolation).