Jan 1, 1230
Rockets and gunpowder were created in the early 1230’s. They were created in China and were used for weapons and for early fireworks. -
Jan 1, 1280
Glasses were used to let people with poor vision see more clearly. They were created by the Italians in Florence during the 1280’s. -
Jan 1, 1410
They were developed in Florence in 1410. It was created to tell time wherever you are by Filippo Brunelleschi, an architect. -
Jan 1, 1436
Printing Press
The printing press was made in 1436 by the German Johann Gutenberg.He created it in Germany and used it to make writing easier and to mass produce books and papers with writing on them. -
Jan 1, 1496
Wallpaper was created by different English artists. They drew on paper and put them on walls to decorate in 1496. -
The microscope was made in 1590 by Zacharias Janssen. He used it to study different objects at a very zoomed in rate. -
Flush Tiolet
The toilet was made by Sir John Harington in 1596. They were used to move waste out of the house in a more efficient way. -
In 1608, Hans Lippershy invented the telescope. He used it to see objects very far away at a very close distance. -
Cornelius van Drebbel invented the submarine in 1624 to stay underwater for extended periods of time. -
The match was created to make fire in an easier way. Robert Boyle created it in 1680.