
Erik Erikson

By nyang88
  • Research on Child Psychoanalysis

    Research on Child Psychoanalysis
    Erik Erikson's child psychoanalysis research identified the "Initiative vs. Guilt" stage in early childhood development. Children aged 3-6 explore their surroundings and assert their independence. Encouragement leads to autonomy, while criticism or control can lead to guilt. Balancing guidance and exploration helps develop their self-esteem and moral conscience, impacting their attitudes towards achievement, responsibility, and relationships.
  • Development of the Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development

    Development of the Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development
    Erikson's theory outlines eight stages of psychosocial development from infancy to adulthood. The first stage is "Trust vs. Mistrust," which occurs during infancy. It stresses the importance of caregivers providing consistent and nurturing support to foster a secure attachment and confidence in the world. Successfully resolving this stage lays the groundwork for future development, influencing the individual's ability to form secure attachments and navigate relationships.
  • Publication of Childhood and Society

    Publication of Childhood and Society
    "Childhood and Society" offers psychosocial development to individuals, particularly during adolescence. It focuses on the identity vs. role confusion stage, where adolescents strive to establish a sense of self amidst societal expectations. Exploring various identities and goals and integrating experiences into a cohesive understanding of identity is crucial in resolving crises. Self-exploration, introspection, and social support are key factors in formation. in shaping iden