Erickson Timeline

  • Trust v Mistrust 0-2

    Trust v Mistrust 0-2
    During this age the infant looks to the caregiver for security. If the infant receives consistent care they will develop a sense of trust. During this stage I was very attatched to my parents, I would cry when they were not in the room with me. Ehen I could walk I would go to their room and crawl into bed with them at night.
  • Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt 1&1/2 to 3

    Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt 1&1/2 to 3
    During this stage children begin to assert their independence. During this stage it is critical for parents to allow their children to explore and learn the extent of their abilities. If children are not given a safe amount of independence they will lack self-confidence and become overly dependent. During this stage I was in preschool and I loved to be on my own. I would go and explore by myself, with my sister often close by in case I needed protection.
  • Initistive vs Guilt 3-5

    Initistive vs Guilt 3-5
    During this stage children begin to assert themselves more frequently. During this time children may begin school, leading them to associate and play with other children. if children are able to socialize and assert their leadership at this age, they will be able to do so later in life. During this age I would make up games, like versions of tag and have other children play with me, in this way i showed initative.
  • Industry vs Inferiority 5-12

    Industry vs Inferiority 5-12
    This is the age when children begin to learn how to do things on their own. The child will now feel the need to develop a certain level of competency as expected by society. if a child does not develop certain skills they may feel inferior. During this stage I was not very good at sports but i excelled in english and writing, which helped me grow in confidence.
  • Identity vs. Role confusion. 12-18

    Identity vs. Role confusion. 12-18
    During this stage children begin to become more independent. they are expected to begin deciding what they want to do for the rest of their existences. During this stage it is important for a child to find their role in society. Due to an identity crisis, an adolescent may begin to experiment with different lifestyles. I am in the process of finding my identity right now.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation 18-40

    Intimacy vs Isolation 18-40
    During young adulthood, people begin to experiment with more intimate relationships. It is important that young adults form an intimate sense of security and commitment. Fearing commitment and relationships can lead to isolation. Hopefully, when I am this age i will be able to develop meaningful relationshups.
  • Generativity vs Stagnation 40-65

    Generativity vs Stagnation 40-65
    During middle adulthood, it is important that onefeels as if they are contributing to society. One must feel like they contribute to or a part of the community. When I reach this age I will look for importance in my career or in my volunteer work.
  • Integrity vs. Despair

    Integrity vs. Despair
    During this stage, seniors contemplate their lives, successes, and failures. One reflects on their past and feels a sense of integrity, or a sense of despair as one might approach the end of their life not having accomplished all they had wanted to. I hope during this time in my life i am able to reflect and feel a sense of pride over my accomplishments, even if they are limited to this project.