Intimacy versus Isolation
Married at the age of 21 , Dolores and Peter were high school sweethearts. Successful couple living their lives together; Although they’re different in many ways the chose to still marry and remain happily in love. In the Erickson’s fifth stage , intimacy versus isolation the crisis of being coming emotionally close to others in a committed relationship or keeping to yourself. -
Ego integrity vs despair
At the age of 70, Edward is a recovering alcoholic who works at Walmart; has 8 children, four successful, two dead, two on drugs. No health insurance or retirement money. Many regrets on why he chose to party up until 50 but grateful he’s alive and can still change somethings. Erikson’s eighth stage of ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is between satisfaction with one’s life despite its imperfections and regret and wishing to be able to do one’s life over but realizing it’s too late. -
Identity vs. role confusion
After just graduating high school with a 3.5, Anthony wanted to be an actor his whole life but comes from a small town. Realizing his friends are not going to college right away and hanging out ;partying he decides if that he wants to real with them for a year or go straight to a top acting school. The fifth stage is identity vs. role confusion, and it occurs during adolescence, from about 12-18 years. During this stage, adolescents search for a sense of self and personal identity.