Erickson's Timeline

  • Learning to move

    Learning to move
    Kiara is learning to walk and become independent. This is Ericksons trust vs mistrust. The crisis is trusting that your parents will be there to catch you, feeling safe vs wondering if you should be careful and hold on for fear they will let you fall
  • Who am I?

    Who am I?
    Kiara decided to join a book club and play sports as she wasn't sure what she wanted to do. This is Erickson's fifth stage identity vs indentity confusion. The conflict is trying to figure out where you belong and what roles to play. Should you be athetic and pursue sports or more academic.
  • Wedding bells

    Wedding bells
    Kiara graduates college and decided that she and Mark would get married and speed the rest of their lives together building a family. This is Erickson's sixth stage intimacy vs isolation. The crisis is becoming emotionally attached to someone for ever or choosing to be alone and not let anyone get close to you, being guarded.