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Erica's Literacy Timeline

By Estaton
  • My Definition of Reading

    When a person can read they can do anything. I think reading can be a number of things such as reading a recipe or a manual. Reading can also take a person from their current world and put them in an imaginary place where they can disappear for a moment.
  • Parents read to me when I was In the womb

    Parents read to me when I was In the womb
  • Hooked on Phonics

    Hooked on Phonics
    I would sit and listen to the CD's over and over until I basically taught myself to read while in kindergarten.
  • Chapter Books

    Chapter Books
    In the first grade I related with the books "Junie B. Jones" by Barbara Park. She went through some of the same things such as going to a new school, loosing teeth, riding the school bus, and field day.
  • High School Literacy

    High School Literacy
    In high school I really learned how to dissect a piece of writing to make it more meaningful to my life. I also learned how authors wrote and why they used certain languages in their books. Two that stand out the most is The Great Gatsby and The Scarlett Letter.
  • Adult Reading

    Adult Reading
    I love all genres of literacy however, I tend to lean more toward romantic novels that tell a story and have a happy ending. My all time favorite authors are Emily Griffin (native to Georgia) and Sherryl Woods, she had a great series that take you through an entire family tree.