Nov 7, 1346
The Black Death
A huge outbreak of plague carried by rat fleas, kills 1/3 of the population http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/middle_ages/black_01.shtml -
Nov 7, 1347
the first guns appear in europe
Nov 7, 1390
Book written telling how to construct and use the astrolabe, a navigation tool
Nov 7, 1400
Major improvments are made to sailing ships
Nov 7, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas dividees the world's undiscovered land between Spain and Portugal
Nov 12, 1499
Amerigo Vespucchi explores along the coast of South America and decides it is a new contentient and not part of Asia
Nov 12, 1513
Balboa crosses the Isthmus of Panama and discovers the Pacific Ocean
Nov 12, 1543
The astronomer Nicholas Copernicus publishes a book which says that the earth and other planets revolve around the son.
The destruction of the great Spainish Armada by Francis Drake and another commander makes England the worlds greatest sea power
Jamestown in Virginia is established by English
I chose the events I did because I feel they changed history the most. Overall, the different innovations and discoveries mentioned contribute not only to the subject of exploration itself, but to how people see the world and how they were able to move forward. If any of these events had not happened, the course of history could very well be altered significantly. Many of the ideas also closely identify with the age of exploration and the Renaissance's ideologies, that allowed it to be such a pr