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brain development stages

Child development

By Ejhenry
  • Start of Neurogenisis

    Neurogenesis starts at conception of the child and is completed by birth. This is the process of creating nerve cells. More neurons are produced incase anything occurs and when this process starts to slow down. These cells start to separate from one another and create their own specialized path for the future. In the end, more than 200 billion brain cells are created
  • Start of brain neuron connection

    Start of brain neuron connection
    25 days after conception, the formation of neural tubes that give a reference to where neurons go and are created. This eventually becomes the brain and spinal cord. Many defects take place in this stage making it a critical point during development. Defects in this can cause congenital disorders.
  • Fetal Brain Development

    The differentiation of synapses leads to an exponential increase in development of the brain. Nearly 40,000 synapses are made per second for 2 more years. These early connections allow for movement of the baby’s body. This is what comes before its nervous system. Parts of this transform to become the brain and the spinal cord
  • Brain seperation

    The brain splits into 3 parts: front brain, midbrain, and hindbrain. These parts are separated and show that this pattern of coordinated activity became stronger with each passing week of pregnancy. This is when the brain starts to take its traditional shape, getting smother, broken into different parts, but still has much more room to grow
  • Migration Starts

    This is the process of neurons moving to their final location along glial fibers. Their destination is predetermined as it start migrating. These neurons are put in place all over the brain to ensure smooth functioning and increased productivity. video
  • Basic neural system establish

    Basic neural system establish
    Neurons are able to expand growing from inside towards the outside of the brain. The central system is being made where neurons are expanding rapidly. It expands all throughout the brain to ensure it has connection everywhere and consume all information from other sections of the brain. These cells start communicating through chemicals across the fibers. The brain starts create the area where function such as sight and spatial awareness will take place
  • Recognition

    The hippocampus grows dramatically which increases recognition of faces and anything around the baby. They start to officially take in the world. Their language recognition in the frontal and temporal lobes increases exponentially causing them to be able to differentiate languages and words. This is usually when smiling starts to happen because they recognize the new information and start to take it in.
  • Body Control

    Babies are able to move and decide what they want their body to do such as reflexes and head movement. This might be because the cerebellum triples in size which functions as motor skills and propels their ability to function by waving their hands and legs and it is normal for them to start to kick
  • Pattern Recognition

    The babies are able to realize there is an I and we and have an understanding of themselves and others. When looking in a mirror they know who they are looking at. They also gain the ability to recognize languages and start to understand English which allows them to start to speak. Picking up words from being able to hear English from a young age improves their speaking abilities
  • Neural Connection Expation

    During age 1, 1 million neural connections are every second to recognize patterns that will increase their ability to feel emotion and express emotion. These neural connections are rapidly growing and it is one of the most important times during their childhood to ensure basic learning of objects, people, and languages. They are able to put ideas together to make plans and know concepts of things.
  • Location Awareness

    At age 1 ½ their brain allows them to understand location awareness and where they are able to find things. They know when they are at home or where they might find a toy to play with. They are able to recall verses from songs and more through their growing memory. [Video} (
  • Decay of Differentiation

    At age 2 they have over 100 trillion brain cells but over 50% of neural connections and creations stop producing as much. Their brain starts to slow growth as it gets bigger and makes the learning period longer
  • Language Knowledge

    The lanugage understanding part of the brain increases because synapses are being connected rapidly in the first few months of age 2. They are able to string together full sentences, create ideas, and talk about their ideas. The brain is more aware of emotions and self-awareness. Know emotions about themselves and what they want. The brain is about 75% of the weight it will be at the adult stage.