
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 3600 BCE


    time period regarding the most significant development of societal functions
  • 9000 BCE


    “Beginning” of Humanity, depicted by the first tools created dating as far as 2.58 million years ago
  • 8000 BCE


    More fruitful in providing evidence of societal structures like homes, societies ways of living, and other hints to the first building like items
  • 7000 BCE


    Where the past time periods taught more about tools and structures, the Neolithic time period highlights the hunter-gatherer lifestyle that was led, through the stone tools and other objects found
  • Period: 4100 BCE to 6000 BCE


    Asia based region that existed in three periods of foreign rule and represented a further developed society
  • 3800 BCE


    Sumerians, who lived in the southern region of Mesopotamia and had art depicting their lifestyles
  • 2154 BCE

    Akkadian Empire

    Akkadian Empire
    The first ‘true’ empire. They had a more sophisticated way of living and more in depth language
  • 2025 BCE

    Assyrian Empire

    Assyrian Empire
    A time of “united city-states” that had newer technology and advanced items like iron weapons.
  • 1600 BCE


    Came after the destruction of the Third Dynasty (post Sumerians) had laws, structures more developed, etc!
  • 539 BCE

    Neo-Babylonian Empire

    Neo-Babylonian Empire
    The resurgence of the Babylonian Empire privy.
  • Period: 332 BCE to 332 BCE

    Ancient Egypt

    This was the “Pharaonic” period, even more advanced civilization where art was used to communicate and honor ideas
  • 300 BCE


    This period was the beginning of political development to start into the early dynastic period.
  • 210 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Old Kingdom
    Most monuments to honor and praise figures were created from this time period, more culture and tradition in this time
  • 160 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    Middle Kingdom
    Continuation of the Old kingdom but using things like the below artifact to teach and educate egyptians about powerful nomarchs
  • 107 BCE

    New Kingdom

    New Kingdom
    The last of Egypt’s three kingdoms, and another pharaoh ruled era