Publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring
The book was about the effects of pesticides on the environment. Carson accused the chemical industry of spreading disinformation, and public officials of accepting industry claims uncritically. -
Publication of Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique
This book described how women were dissatisfied and began meeting to discuss their lives and their roles in society. -
Publication of Ralph Nader’s Unsafe at Any Speed
A government report the Nader wrote about the dangers of the american cars that turned into a book. -
N.O.W. is founded
Established by 28 people including betty Friedan whos' goal was to take action to bring American women into full participation in the mainstream of American society now. -
UFW’s Nationwide Boycott of grapes picked on nonunion farms
Resulted when growers refused to grant more pay, better working conditions, and union recognition. This boycott led to a 1975 law being passed by California requiring collective bargaining between growers and union representatives. -
When 400,000 people gathered for several days in a large pasture in Bethel, New York, to listen to the major bands of the rock world.There were alot of drug use that helped to keep it peaceful. -
Congress passes the Clean Air Act
It was passed in response to public concerns about air pollution. It was designed to control the pollution caused by industries and car emissions. -
First Earth Day celebration
Organizers stressed the important role that Americans could play in improving awareness of environmental issues and in bringing an end to environmental damage. Earth Day would become a yearly observance. -
The EPA is established
Created by President Nixon by combining existing federal agencies concerned with air and water pollution.One of the EPA's early responsibilities was to enforce the Clean Air Act. -
Roe v. Wade case
This was when the Supreme Court legalized abortion. Although the justices based their decision on the constitutional right to personal privacy, and struck down state regulation of abortion in the first three months of pregnancy, it is still a controversial subject to this day. -
Protesters from the AIM take over the reservation at Wounded Knee
The American Indian Movement ook over Oglala Sioux village and refused to leave until the United States government agreed to investigate the treatment of Indians and the poor conditions on the reservation, and to review more than 300 treaties. This ended in May, when protesters agreed to surrender their weapons and to leave the reservation. During the siege, two AIM members had been killed and about a dozen people hurt, including two federal marshals.