Kokocinski Era of Activism

  • Period: to

    Era of Activism

  • Publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

    Publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
    On September 27, 1962, Rachel Carson published a book called Silent Spring. This book spoke out against deadly chemicals including DDT. DDt increased agricultural productivity but killed various plants and animals along with targeted insects. Silent Spring made a major controversary in this subject. Later on, Rachel Carson was addressed for an environental assaultant, and DDT was banned.
  • Publication of Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique

    Publication of Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique
    On February 17, 1963, Betty Friedman published a book called The Feminine Mystique. This book shook up the women's place in America. It addressed the women who had everything in society said they should want: a husband who were good providers, healthy children, and a house in the suburbs. Many were not happy with this lifestyle. They wanted to be more than support providers. Friedman asked the question, "is this all"? This stirred up radical views and so on.
  • Publication of Ralph Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed

    Publication of Ralph Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed
    On November 18, 1965, Ralph Nader published the book Unsafe at Any Speed. This book critizes many things including the safety of several cars. Nader critized auto manufaturers, tire producers, and other safety problems. Nader states that many auto-industries knew about these safety problems but did nothing to help the situation. This changed industries and safety regulations for good.
  • National Organization for Women (NOW) is founded

    National Organization for Women (NOW) is founded
    In 1966, a group of 28 women established the National Organization or NOW. The program NOW fought for fair pay, equal jobs, and balance in marriages. Overall, it fought for equal rights in men and women and mostly, discrimination in women. Over 15,000 women joined this organization after four years. In todays's society, it has over 500,000 members and is the largest women's rights organization in the United States.
  • UFW's National Boycott of Grapes Picked on Nonunion Farms

    UFW's National Boycott of Grapes Picked on Nonunion Farms
    On September 8, 1967, the Boycott of Grapes started. Cesar Chavez believed in nonviolent actions. This strike refused until it to granted more pay,had better working conditions, and had union recogition. Later on, it started boycotts of lettuce and other crops. It was a nation-wide success to migrant workers
  • Woodstock

    On August 15, 1969, The Woodstock Music and Art Festival took place in Bethel, New York. About 400,000 people gathered for several days. Police avoided enforcing drug laws. The crowd remained under control, and it was peaceful event. Most of the crowd was considered "hippies" which is untraditonal clothes and long hair. This concert mainstreamed drugs, sex, and nudity.
  • First Earth Day Celebration

    First Earth Day Celebration
    On April 22, 1970, The United States celebrated its first Earth Day by planting trees and sending out the message to go green. In 1969, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin announce plans to hold a national day of discussing and teaching about the envirnoment. This day would be held every year. It would be used to clean up litter and reduce the pollution in the United States
  • The EPA is Established

    The EPA is Established
    On December 2, 1970, Presdient Nixon established Envirnomental Protection Agency (EPA) by combining exsiting federal agencies concerned with air and water pollution. EPA enforced the Clean Air Act (control pollution). Also, the EPA helped the Clean Water Act (regulate pollution in water). EPA continues to help the envirnoment.
  • Congress Passe the Clean Air Act

    Congress Passe the Clean Air Act
    On December 17, 1970, Congress passed the Clean Air Act. This act regulated the the pollution caused by industries and car emissions. The EPA was in charge of this act. They forged an agreement with car manufacturers to install catalytic converters. These devices regulated car admissions.
  • Supreme Court Rules to Legalize Abortion due to the Roe v Wade Case

    Supreme Court Rules to Legalize Abortion due to the Roe v Wade Case
    On January 22, 1973, abortion was legalized due to the Roe v. Wade Case. NOW and many other organiztions worked to reform the laws governing a woman's decision to choose abortion when an unwanted pregnancy occurs. It was a right to personal privacy between the women and her doctor. On the other hand, it was not allowed if the women was over three months pregnant. Tnis case still remains with high emotions and views.