Home of Infants
All the children born in the same year from this City were together here. -
Home of the Studetns
There were ten wards here for ten years of learning. Men must learn until they reach 15, then they must work. The awoke and went to bed with the sound of a bell. "We are nothing, mankind is all." -
Job Placement
Equality got placed as a street sweeper. -
Crime was committed.
They found a black hole they believe was left from the unmentionable times. -
Equality thinks more about Liberty
Equality renames Liberty "The Golden One." He is crushing on her. -
Equality discusses "Liberty 5-3000".
Men are forbidden to take notice of the women. -
Discovery by Equality
Equality makes/discovers electric light. -
Trouble with Equality
Equality lost track of time in the tunnel and returns to the House of Street Sweepers too late. He is puniished by Palace of Corrective Detention. -
Prision Break
Equality escapes from prision for the world of scholars. -
UNmentionable House
Equality and Liberty find a hows filled with stuff from the unmentionable times. -
Liberty is pregnant by Equality.