
Equality's Timeline

  • End to the Unmentionable Times

    End to the Unmentionable Times
  • House of infants

    House of infants
    Lived in the house on infants till we were five years old.
  • House of Students

    We were sent to the House of Students when we were five years old were we learned for ten years.
  • Chosen as the street sweeper

    Chosen as the street sweeper
    He is chosen as the strret sweeper due to his "transgressions".
  • Life as a street sweeper

    Life as a street sweeper
    Begins his life as a street sweeper
  • Equality finds the hole.

    After four years as street sweeper, Equality discovers a secret hole
  • Equality finds out how to make electricity

    Equality finds out how to make electricity
    Equality makes electricity while in his hole
  • Equality meets Liberty for the first time

    Equality meets Liberty while they're both working
  • Creates an electric light

    Creates an electric light
    He finally makes a lght with the electricity
  • Gets caught and taken to Corrective Detention

    Gets caught and taken to Corrective Detention
    He stays in his hole too late and is caught
  • Equality stand before the council with his invention

    Equality stand before the council with his invention
    Equality escapes the detention center and appears before the Council. They are furious and want to destroy the invention and Equality
  • Equality flees to the forest

    Equality keeps running and running because he knows no one would dare follow him through the forest
  • Equality and Liberty live happily ever after

    Equality and Liberty live happily  ever after
    They eventually find a home made by the unmentionable times. Thats where they learn the word "I" and will live forever im guessing.