Epochs of Human History

  • Period: 197,982 BCE to

    Epochs of Human History

  • Period: 4000 BCE to

    The End Of Prehistory - The Start of Modern History

  • 3000 BCE

    End of the Stone Age

    End of the Stone Age
    Stone Age humans created bone and stone weapons as well as tools to catch, trap or defend against prey. This age is thought to have started around 2 million years ago and ended 90,000 years later at the end of the ice age.
  • 3000 BCE

    Start of the Bronze Age

    Start of the Bronze Age
    The Bronze Age evolved in Ancient China when humans found out how to make bronze weapons out of mined tin and copper. This was a revolutionary discovery because bronze weapons turned out to be much stronger than stone weapons.
  • 1000 BCE

    The Start of the Iron Age

    The Start of the Iron Age
    The Iron Age began with the use iron and steel. People made tools out of steel which were superior to previously used materials. This era marked the end of the prehistoric age.
  • 753 BCE

    The Start of Ancient History

    The Start of Ancient History
    Ancient History is the history of ancient times, especially of Ancient Greek, Egyptian and Roman civilisations. This era started with the first appearance of writing and ended with the collapse of the western Roman Empire.
  • 650

    The Start of the Middle Ages

    The Start of the Middle Ages
    The Middle Ages (also known as the Medieval Ages or The Dark Ages) were first sparked by the fall of the Roman Empire. This lead to poverty around the world and the start to a huge global health crisis. During this time, the Black Death arose and an epidemic wiped out 30% of the nation.
  • The Start of Premodern History

    The Start of Premodern History
    Premodern History was a time where theism was on the rise. The people who were in a position of power were often religious officials.
  • The Start of Modern History

    The Start of Modern History
    Modern history spans across to the current time we are living in now. This time shows a vast improvement in the development of technology, global economics and the rise of eastern nations, such as China. It is a period of time where information became quickly available due to the help from computers and computer networks. This period has also presented a late modern form of terrorism, a concern for much of the western world.