
  • Older Audulthood

    I am slowly but quickly approaching my 30's and I can see my life changing.
  • Adulthood

    I can't put a date on when I am going to get married. I know that the man Jesus Christ up stairs has an amazing plan for my future and I will walk his path.
  • Development Biosocial

    Ethan will be 3 years old in pre- school.
  • Cognitive

    By this time I'll be 30 years of age. I would like to have purchased several homes for people to rent out.
  • Development cognitive

    I plan to be settled in with my new career and beginning to establish my own company.
  • Adulthood

    I'll be 32 years old and I plan to adopt a kid or have another baby.
  • Development of Biosocial

    By this time my son will be 10 years old.
  • Older Adulthood

    I'll be 35 years old and I plan to create more ways to promote my company and become more successful.
  • Development Biosocial

    By this time Ethan will be 15 years old a teenager in high school.
  • Older Adulthood

    I'll be 40 years old and everything should start going smoothly and more plans continue to development.
  • Older Adulthood

    I will have development in many ways. My strength, humbleness, success, growth as a mother, wife, successful business woman.
  • Older adulthood

    Ethan will be years old and preparing to get sent off to college with a full ride scholarship in whatever sport he chooses.
  • Adulthood

    On this day my boyfriend/ future husband celebrate this day every year for our anniversary.
  • Older Adulthood

    The BIG 50 has arrived to get here I experienced trials and triumps to get where I am today.
  • Older Adulthood

    By 60 I plan to be retired and traveling for fun not business.
  • Older Adulthood

    I plan on being a grandmother for some years of course.
  • Older Adulthood

    75 years old I still plan on being mobil and being able to assist people and still have authority over my business.
  • Older Adulthood

    88 years old is a long time to live. By this time my journal of life will slow down. Unfortunately I dont have a set date to die. I used the age that was estimate on an asssignment that was given.
  • Older Adulthood

    My after life begin.
  • Older Adulthood

    The way I would like to die is in peace lying in my bed at home. I would never want to suffer.