concerving trees
William Penn ordered colonists to concerve one tree for every five cut down. This kept forests larger which ment more animals. -
Lacy act
The Lacy act prohibited the transportation of illigally obtained animals. It also prohibited hunting in Yellow stone national park. -
Salt Lake City Polution
Salt Lake City was the first U,S. city to conduct large a scale polution survay of air. This alowd them to find ways thay could stop the spread of air polution in Salt Lake City. -
Bald Eagle act
The bald eagle act prevented the extiction of bald eagles. This is important because the bald eagle is our national animal and it would be embaresing and loss of pride if our own contry eliminates our symbol. -
Heavy smog in L.A.
Heavy smog in L.A caused many shools to close down for the month of october. Could cause serious health effects and is very bad for the atmoshere. -
Wild and cenic rivers act
Congress passed a law to protect water ways from polution. This is important because back then and still now we use(d) our water ways to transport goods and materials, and if somthing were to go wrong than those goods would be ruined. -
Blue Marble
N.A.S.A. released the blue matble photo of eath from space, This gave Americans a first outside look of our planet. These photos raised enviromental awareness. -
First earth day
The first earth day was celebrated by about 20 million people accross the contry. This caused awareness abut the curent state of the world.This started to make people want to recycle, use solar power,etc. -
Alaska national intrest lands concervation act
The Alaska national intrest lands concervation act designated 100 million acresof state parks, this protects animals form hunting, housing, and deforestation. -
Exxon oil spill
The Exxon oil spill in the Prince williams sound off the coast of Alaska killed hundreds in numbers of sealife, many aquadic animals in habit the rich waters of Alaska.