Thomas Mathus predcts exponential population growth
John Muir is Born
Helped petition the National Park bill and helped with the creation of Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks -
Walden by Henry David Thoreau
Details Thoreaus life over a two year period into one single year and symbolizes human development -
Homestead Act
Gave ownership of land at little to no cost in the western part of America -
Yellowstone Naional Park Founded
American Forestry Association Founded
Made to protect and restore forests to improve health of the planet -
Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks founded
General Revision Act
Authorized the Presidant of the United States to establish Forest Reserves. Also repealed the Timber Culture and Preemption Acts -
Sierra Club founded
Created by John Muir and its mission was to protect the wild places on Earth -
Lacey Act is Created
Protects plants and wildlife by giving civil and criminal penalties for many violoations -
Golden Age of Conservations (Ends in 1909, Caused by Theodore Roosevelt)
First national wildlife refuge established
US forest Service founded
Made to administer all of the national Forests and Grasslands in the United States -
Gifford Pinchot
Reformed development/management of US forests by advocating renenwel of resources by a plan -
Aldo Leopard
Wrote the book A Sand County Almanac and influenced modern day Environmental Ethics -
Audubon Society founded
A non-profit organization dedicated to conservation -
Antiquities Act
Gives Presidant of the United States authority to restrict use of particular public land -
Cogress bans further withdrawls of forest land
US National Park service founded
Dust Bowl
dust bowl -
Civilian Conservation Corps founded
Part of Roosevelt's New Deal. Acted as a public work relief program for people in need -
Soil Conservation Service founded
Carries out numerous soil surveys across the US and showed insight into developing environmental problems -
Taylor Grazing Act
Provides for the regulation of grazing on public lands to improve rangeland conditions -
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
Adhesive Stamp that is required to hunt migratory birds like duck -
Fish and Wildlife Service founded
Agency dedicated to the management of fish, wild life and natural habitats -
Jane Goodfall
Considered to be the worlds top leader in chimpanzees, known for her 45 year study of them -
Silent Spring published by Rachel Carson
Credited with starting the launch of the American Environmental movement -
Wilderness Act
Created the legal definition of wilderness and protected more than 9.1 million acres of federal land -
Garret Hardin introduced the Tragedy of the Commons
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
Allows Wild and Scenic rivers to be preserved and kept from being damned and must be kept free flowing -
Richard Nixons Presidancy
Extremely Pro Environment. Multiple acts and programs were started like the Clean Air Act and EPA were started. Ended in 1974 -
Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio catches fire
Helped spur the environmental movement in the 60's -
NEPA is formed
Mostly used to set up procedural requirements for all federal government agencies to prepare environmental assessments impact statements -
First Earth Day
Environmental Protection Agency
a US angency created to protect human health and the environment by enforcing regulations of the law -
FIFRA is started
set up pesticide regulations to protect consumers, the environment and applicators -
Endangered Species Act
OPEC oil embargo
Limited gas consumption in numerous ways and caused the peak of oil production by the US in the 70's -
Sherwood Roland and Molina Announce that CFCs are depleting the ozone layer
Organic compounds made of carbon, chlorine and flourine made into a dervitive of methane and ethane -
Resouce Conservation and Recovery Act
Princepal federal law that governs disposal of solid and hazardous waste -
Clean Water Act
eliminates release of high amounts of toxic substances into water -
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
regulates the environmental effect of coal mining in the US -
Love Canal, NY and Lois GIbbs
A chemical waste dump was sold to make Schools on despite warnings and many health problems were caused. -
3 Mile Island Nuclear Accident
The worst commerical nuclear accident in US history. Luckily not one recorded case of cancer has occured becaue of it -
Alaskan Lands Act
Gave 43,585,000 acres of new national parklands in Alaska. 53,720,000 acres to the National Wildlife Refuge System and twenty-five wild and scenic rivers -
CERCLA or the Super Fund
Designed to clean up hazardous sites, created the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry also gives authority to clean up waste that can hurth the environment or public health -
Ronald Regans Presidancy
Regan was largely veiwed as being against helping the environment. Most people dont know he gave more than 100,000 acres to conserve while he was mayor of California. Its thought that he just didnt want to waste US money. Presidancy ended in 1989 -
Bhopal, Indian toxic cloud
A gas leak of toxic cloud causes what is thought to be the worst industral disaster. Kills thousands of people and injurs hundreds of thousands -
A fire causes a nuclear power plant to explode, releasing particles of radiation into the atmospher and covers most of Europe and the then USSR -
World Population Reaches 5 Billion
Montreal Protocol
An international treaty to help protect the ozone by ending production of numerous things that hurt the ozone -
Exxon Valdez
An oil tanker that dropped hunderds of thousands of barrels of crude oil in Alaska. The second largest oil spill in history -
Energy Policy Act of 1992
addressed energy effeciany, energy conservation and energy management. Reformed the Public Utility Holding Company Act -
Desert Protection Act
stablished the Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Parks and the Mojave National Preserve in the California desert -
Julia Butterfly Hill sat in tree "Luna" for 700+ dys to protest deforestation
Kyoto Protocol
An international treaty signed to reduce remissions of green house gasses by industrial countries -
World population reaches 6 billion
World population reaches 7 billion