Environmental Movements Through Time

  • 10,000 BCE

    Neolithic Agriculture Revolution

    Local Resource Management Began. -Book
  • Bye Bye Passenger Pigeons

    Passenger pigeon goes extinct and the concern for tigers, rhinos, and overall environment health grows. -Book
  • Green Revolution

    Fossil fuel use increases. Pollution increases. Human population rises fast. -Book
  • UKs 10 National Parks

    They recognize they need to preserve natural areas.
  • Minamata

    We realize how toxins in our environment not only affect the plants and animals but humans also. -Mrs. Hoy
  • Rise of the NGOs

    Public awareness grows. Organizations are founded to help protect earth. -Book
  • Earth Summit

    People get together to create an action plan to help keep the world safe. -Book
  • C.I.T.E.S

    An organization created to protect endangered species. -Book
  • Bhopal

    Worst industrial accident that affected the environment -In class presentation (Summer, Presley, Manika, Kailyn)
  • Green Awareness Grows

    This is when environmental friendly products began more popular along with recycling and ecotourism. -Book
  • Kyoto protocol becomes a legal requirement

    174 countries signed and were told to reduce carbon remission.