Environmental Movement

  • Protecting animals

    Protecting animals
    The movement decided to add a goal of preserving varying animal species and making sure they don’t go extinct. This was deemed important because biodiversity is important to a healhty environment.
  • Environmentalists fought for the environment to be protected.

    Environmentalists fought for the environment to be protected.
    The movement decided that they wanted the government to be more responsible with protecting the environment and conserving resources. This was with the intention that laws are passed and are followed
  • Environmental movement starts

    Environmental movement starts
    People started calling out the mistreated environment as early as the 1850s. But things really took off in the 1950s
  • Texas seceded from the union

    Texas seceded from the union
    Texas seceded from the union mostly because they were pro slavery. With a vote of 8-166, seceded on Febuary 1st 1861
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    Robert Sterling Yard

    Robert Sterling Yard helped preserve and protect what are now national parks. In 1919 he founded the national park passivation and is work helped pass the bill that created the National park service.
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    Harvey Broome

    Harvey Broome helped found the wilderness society. It is a group that fights to preserve forests and other landmarks. He also helped pass the wilderness act in 1964.
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    Rachel Carson

    Rachel Carson also is known as the mother of the modern environmental movement. She fought against chemical namely DDT. Outside of the movement, she studied climate change in the ocean.
  • Green house emissions lowered

    Green house emissions lowered
    Greenhouse emissions have lowered since the 1970s because of the environmental movement. This is was found by a study that emissions connected with the movement.
  • DDT was banned

    DDT was banned
    In the 1950- 60s DDT started being regulated after study from environmentalists such as Rachel Carson found that it was harming the environment. It was banned altogether in 1972
  • The Stockholm conference

    The Stockholm conference
    The Stockholm conference was a meeting of the United Nations on June 5th, 1972 addressing the current environmental issues at the time.
  • The sinking of the rainbow warrior

    The sinking of the rainbow warrior
    The sinking of the rainbow warrior, two men planted a bomb of a ship set out to protest against a French nuclear testing site. This event occurred on July 10th, 1985.
  • The Kyoto climate change protocol

    The Kyoto climate change protocol
    The Kyoto climate change protocol was adopted on February 16th, 2005. This agreement made it so that countries had to cut down greenhouse emissions to a certain target.