Environmental movement

By larppp
  • Population reaches 1st billion

  • Sierra club founded

    •Founded to protest the limits of yosemite national park.
    •Members believed parks and reserves should have no limits and should be protected in full.
  • Population reaches 2nd billion

  • ICUN

    • Most diverse environmental network.
    •Aimed to provide information about the environment.
    •Encourages societies and international communities to aid in preserving environmental diversity and health.
  • Sulfur dioxide disaster

    •Killed 20
    people and caused respiratory issues to over 7000 people in Donora, PA.
    •Was caused by a zinc melting plant.
    •Brought awareness to toxic materials and chemicals being released Into the air.
  • Pesticide butterfly effect

    •Was discovered that pesticides killed milkweed, the only plants monarchs will nest on.
    •Decreased monarch population.
    •Brought awareness to the effects of chemicals on ecosystems + the food chain.
  • 1st Air pollution conference

    •Causes and effects of air pollution were discussed.
    •Brought about ideas on acts and pledges to reduce pollution.
  • Minimata

    •Minimata disease outbreak killed 2000+ people.
    •Was caused by contaminated fish product from factories that was poured into the sea.
    •Brought awareness to the effects of water pollution.
  • Population reaches 3rd billion

  • Silent spring published

    •Led to the national ban of certain pesticides.
    •Brought the damages and dangers of pesticide use to light.
  • Motor vehicle air control act

    •First act to give permission federally to take direct action on air pollution and anything causing it.
    •Set first vehicle emission standards.
  • 1st earth day

    •Aimed at bringing awareness to the worlds environmental issues.
    •Led to the push for more acts aimed at protecting the environment.
  • Club of Rome

    •Aimed at highlighting human effects on the environment and what they will do to our future.
  • Gaia Hypothesis

    •Proposed the idea that earth and its systems act as one single entity.
    •If one system fails, they all will.
  • Population reaches 4th billion

  • Whaling acts

    •Green peace launches first protests and campaigns against whaling.
    •Led to marine mammal protection acts.
  • Bhopal Gas

    •Considered the worlds worst industrial disaster.
    •Killed atleast 3000.
    •Brought awareness about the chemicals and procedures taking place inside plants and what needs to be done to protect those working in them and those on the outside.
  • Ozone hole discovered

    •Brought awareness to the effects of carbon.
    •Led to future pledges against carbon emissions.
  • Chernobyl

    •A nuclear reactor on the chernobyl power plant began burning and releasing radiation and other material into the atmosphere.
    •Could become active again.
    •Killed 30
    operators, firemen and got hundreds sick over the next weeks.
  • Population reaches 5th billion

  • Agenda 21 founded

    •Aim is to create and encourage sustainable development of many other things.
  • Kyoto act

    •Commits Industrialized countries to limit the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
  • Population reaches 6th billion

  • An Inconvenient truth film

    •Credited for raising international public awareness on global warming.
    •Revitalized the environmental movement.
  • Population reaches 7th billion

  • Paris agreement

    •Aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to reduce global temperature and reverse global warming.
  • Carbon levels climb past 300pmm

    •Had not re occurred since BC times.
    •Brought awareness to the effects of carbon and how bad it really is getting.