Environmental Movement

  • Sir David Attenborough

    Sir David Attenborough had a long career in production and narration of TV series and books about the natural world. His programs have had a large impact on the amount of people educated about natural economics. His programs focus on “biodiversity loss, deforestation, plastics in the ocean and climate change” (Pg. 9). Sir David Attenborough has seen many changes in his life, mostly in biocapacity, and he wanted to educate people on the changes he’s seen.
  • Clean Air Act

    In 1970 the United States Government established the Clean Air Act. The government designed this act to “protect public health and welfare from different types of air pollution caused by a diverse array of pollution sources.” This is important because this is when the Government really started to acknowledge global warming and see that it is a problem. https://www.epa.gov/clean-air-act-overview/clean-air-act-requirements-and-history
  • Chernobyl

    Chernobyl is a nuclear power plant which in 1986 had a massive disaster. An explosion occurred in reactor number 4. The reactor ended up catching fire , and the smoke carried a “cloud of highly radioactive material drifted over much of the USSR and Europe” (Pg. 13). They blamed the explosion on faulty equipment and untrained personnel.
  • James Hansen Testimony

    James Hansen is “famous for his research work in climatology” shared a testimony at the USA Congressional Committee. His testimony gained public awareness on Climate Change, and changed the way many people lived their lives.
  • Wanjiku “Wawa” Gatheru

    Wawa is an “environmental justice advocate” born in 1999 (Pg. 9). She is the founder of Black Girl Enviromentalist, and she first got interested in the environment when she was 15.
  • Baia Mare

    Near Baia Mare, in Romania, there was a cyanide spill into the Someş River. This spill was from the gold mining company Aurul. This ruined the river as a water source but was pronounced minimal risk to human health. [(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1127303/)]
  • Greta Thunberg

    Greta Thunburg is a Swedish environmentalist who tries to empower world leaders to start acting against climate change. She has spoken at the UN, and many other “high profile events” (Pg. 9). Greta Thunburg has influenced many younger people and even influenced many world leaders.
  • Royal Dutch Shell Ad

    In 2007, a giant oil company “launched an ad campaign with the slogan ‘Don’t throw anything away. There is no away’” (Pg. 12). This campaign slogan is very true and alerted many people to how they disposed of their waste.
  • Harambe The Gorilla

    In 2016, a three year old child sneaked through the barriers of a gorilla habitat at the Cincinnati Zoo. One of the gorillas in the habitat would not leave when the zookeepers were asking. The gorilla, named Harambe, “who had lived in zoos for 17 years, picked up the boy from the moat and carried him to dry land” (Pg. 4). As Harambe became more agitated the zookeepers became scared for the child’s life. The decision of the zookeeper was to shoot the Gorilla to protect the child’s life.
  • Tokata Iron Eyes

    Iron Eyes is a Native American, apart of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. In 2016, Iron Eyes started opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pipeline route changed slightly and it became a risk to the freshwater on the reservation.