Environmental Movement

  • Yellowstone Act

    Yellowstone Act
    The Yellowstone Act was significant because it made Yellowstone the first national park in the US and set the tone to preserve more land for other national parks. Our community and our lives are impacted by the Yellowstone Act because it preserved nature for people all around the US to enjoy.
  • President Roosevelt’s message about Bison

    President Roosevelt’s message about Bison
    President Roosevelt told congress that the dwindling of the Bison population was a “real misfortune” and how it had decreased from 70 million to less than 300, making it a significant event in the Environmental Movement because it called to attention the over-hunting of the bison population and was one of the first animals to become endangered. It impacts the community today because it was an important wake-up call to the Americans living at that time to stop over-hunting and to be conscious of
  • National Park Service Established

    National Park Service Established
    The National Park Service being established was a very important event and a stepping stone in the cause to improve the environment. It has a huge impact on our daily lives and our community due to the fact that because the National Park Service was established there are now about 400 national parks all across America serving to preserve nature.
  • Salt Lake City Air Pollution Survey

    Salt Lake City Air Pollution Survey
    This event was significant to the Environmental Movement because it Salt Lake City was the first city to conduct a large scale survey of air pollution. This event led to cities following in the footsteps of Salt Lake City and also led to the want of cleaner air. It has impacted today’s community by making the air cleaner as more cities have surveyed their pollution causing people to be more aware and conservative of their daily pollution output.
  • Emergency Conservation Work Act

    Youtube VideoT The Emergency Conservation Work Act was put into place by President Roosevelt during the Great Depression and created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), which its job was to preserve and protect the natural environment. It has an impact on our lives today because it changed the way people looked at the environment in each state.
  • Soil Conservation and Allotment Act

    Soil Conservation and Allotment Act
    This act was passed in response to the Dust Bowl, which was the largest migration because of natural causes. This was important and impacts today’s communities because after the Dust Storm many places were eroded and areas were barren, so the act helped preserve the land and nurse it back to health for today’s people to enjoy.
  • Bald Eagle Preservation Act

    Bald Eagle Preservation Act
    Because the Bald Eagles were endangered, congress passed the Bald Eagle Preservation Act to prevent its extinction. This was extremely important because the Bald Eagle is the United State’s national animal and it would be a terrible thing for them to become extinct. It impacts us today because the Bald Eagle got off the endangered animals list in 2007 and now are more of a national symbol.
  • The Antarctic Treaty

    The Antarctic Treaty
    The Antarctic Treaty is significant because prevented the dumping of Nuclear Waste in Antarctica. In the years to follow, the United States and 45 other countries signed the treaty. The treaty is significant because it protected an area that has is sought after by scientific and environmentalist groups who study the land and its inhabitants. It has impacted our community because it saved Antarctica from becoming a dumping site and losing all of the interesting life forms it supports.
  • Publishing of "Silent Spring"

    Publishing of "Silent Spring"
    Written by Rachel Carson, Silent Spring stressed the dangers of pesticides, especially DDT, in water and wildlife. Caron’s book was the first of it’s kind, alerting the public of environmental issues that most had never thought about or heard of. Her book has impacted daily life because in the years following the book, the federal government outlawed the use of pesticides, including DDT.
  • Wilderness Act

    Wilderness Act
    The National Wilderness Preservation System was established by the Wilderness Act, securing the American people area to enjoy “the benefits of an enduring resource of wilderness”. The act is significant because it saves area and parts of wildlife to remained untouched by the commercial and industrial world and can be truly enjoyed for what it has to offer. The Wilderness Act has impacted daily life because in 2001, a total of 90 million acres had been set aside and pre
  • Water Quality Act

    Water Quality Act
    Signed by President Johnson, the Water Quality Act strengthened federal water pollution laws and outlined water quality guidelines for states. The act is significant because it improved the quality of water, thus improving the quality of life. With rules and regulations for water, it ensured that society would not be subject to contracting diseases from contaminated water, greatly impacting the american public.
  • Blue Marble

    Blue Marble
    Released by NASA, the Blue Marble was a photo taken from space and gave Americans their first look at the planet from an outside view. This picture was significant because not only was it the first outside view of Earth released to the public, but also it was the first time Americans saw the effects of environmental issues. The Blue Marble is one of the many things that sparked interest and awareness of the need to help save the planet and it’s resources. The picture has impacted society because
  • National Environmental Policy Act

    NEPA VideoThe National Environmental Policy Act is one of the first laws put in place that began to establish a broad framework to protect the environment by requiring all branches of government to give consideration to the environment when building and constructing places such as airports, buildings, military complexes, highways, parks, etc. The act is significant because it was sparked and helped to form the current building and construction rules and regulations. Society continues to be impacted by the
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    Earth day was established to increase awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s natural environment through various events. Today over 20 million people celebrate Earth Day to learn of new ways to protect our earth and spread the awareness to others.
  • Environmental Protection Agency

    Environmental Protection Agency
    The EPA is a federal agency created to protect the environment and reduce the amount of pollution we make. The EPA is significant because it has provided regulations that have greatly protected the environment as well as addressed issues such as water and energy conservation
  • Endangered Species Act

    Endangered Species Act
    The Endangered Species Act is significant because it was the first official organization to protect the endangered species. This act is important to society because it has preserved thousands of species that otherwise might be completely extinct due our destruction to the environment.
  • Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
    This superfund is significant to the Environmental Movement because it provided the funds for cleaning up hazardous waste and contamination that has been let out into the environment. Years later and this superfund still impacts our community today by allowing the EPA to prosecute polluters as well as continue to provide funds to keep the waste to a minimum.
  • The Montreal Protocal

    The Montreal Protocal
    The Montreal Protocol is significant to the Environmental Movement not only because the international treaty marked a global cooperation but more importantly because it has eliminated ozone depleting hydrocarbons from the environment. Since then, the Montreal Protocol has significantly decreased the ozone depleting hydrocarbons from our world today to help sustain a healthy environment.
  • NASA & Global Warming

    NASA & Global Warming
    The idea of global warming introduced to Congress by NASA was majorly significant to the Environmental Movement because it emphasized our environmental issues to the public like it has not been before. Today, everyone is constantly reminded of the terrible effects global warming will bring to the world if we do not step up to take care and mend the harmful damage we have placed on our environment.
  • Lacey Act

    Lacey Act
    The Lacey Act was enacted to prohibit the transport of illegally obtained wildlife across State lines. It also made hunting Yellowstone National Park against the law. This act protects the wildlife in a national park that was created to preserve nature and it also helps protect wildlife from smuggling, not to mention humans from the diseases that could be transported with wildlife from other regions.
  • 1990 Gallop Poll

    1990 Gallop Poll
    A gallop poll found that in 1990 76% of Americans considered themselves to be “environmentalists”. This signifies that by this time, most Americans were becoming aware of the world around them and this was proof that Americans were attempting to better their surroundings.
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Kyoto Protocol
    The Kyoto Protocol was a world attempt to reduce the emissions that contribute to Global Warming. This was around the time that Global Warming was on everyone's lips. This event was monumental to the environment because it shows that countries were beginning to realize that Global Warming was indeed happening and that it wasn't just a load of hoopl
  • Al Gore Releases An Inconvenient Truth

    Inconvenient Truth TrailerWhen Al Gore released An Inconvenient Truth, a wave of awareness for Global Warming spread through America. Here was a documentary attempting to raise awareness for an issue that wasn't really being addressed and many people didn't know about. This was the beginning of the American Public peaking interest with Global Warming and seeing proof of its existence.
  • San Francisco Oil Spill

    San Francisco Oil Spill
    A massive Oil SPill in the San Francisco Bay resulted in 58,000 gallons of spilt oil killing and endangering many birds and marine life. Over 8 beaches were closed. The dangers of oil spills came into the limelight due to this event. What spilt oil could do to the species that make the ocean bays their homes became all too present and humans saw the repercussions of careless transportation of oil.
  • Great Lakes Compact

    Great Lakes Compact
    The Great Lakes compact featured a joining of the Great Lakes States in an effort to conserve water. This showed that water conservation was becoming a prominent issue an steps were being taken to save water in recognition of the fact that water may be hard to come by if we don't take the necessary steps to conserve it.